Christina Evans: Pregnant mum refused by Birmingham Women s and Great Hope Hospitals because they were currently full

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If the teaching panel finds the allegation Mr Adams introduced pornographic images onto the school computer network true, it could strike him off the teaching register. Robert Adams was arrested but later released without charge after a police probe and denies any wrongdoing, a tribunal heard.
But the General Teaching Council For Wales is carrying out professional conduct proceedings into the matter.

Retired headteacher Roger Fawke said on October 6, Mr Adams offered to help save the work from being lost and downloaded the work onto a USB memory stick.
However, at the end of the school day fellow teacher Jayne Edwards logged onto the computer and found a folder called "glam".
Two days later, when the bug was fixed he re-uploaded the saved data back onto the school's "curriculum" network. She told the GTCW she was shocked when she saw thumbnail photos of naked women.

If he is jumpy and you hear them returning fire you know there�s stuff going down. "We have to make the decision. But we need to be 100% sure.�
Rowan Griffiths / Daily Mirror High flyers: Pilot Oll Payne and navigator Jim Roughton
The crew I meet are having a quieter tour than before. The biggest thing is the guy on the ground�s voice on the radio. Summer is fighting season for the Taliban and in the harsh winter they are likely to stay indoors. But 617 still go on daily routine flights and offer emergency air support at a moment�s notice, never knowing when they might need to fire their weapons.

Mum Christina told the Birmingham Mail that before she underwent a C-section at the hospital, she had been refused admission from both Birmingham Women's and Good Hope Hospitals because paramedics were told they did not have the capacity to admit her. Tiny Jayden Evans�s short life came to an end only hours after he was born, six weeks early, at Birmingham City Hospital .

In autumn 2009, all schools in the Blaenau Gwent area suffered IT problems - and risked losing scores of pupils' work as well as lesson plans. At the hearing in Cardiff, a panel was told that Mr Adams had been a teacher at Deighton Infants and Junior School in Tredegar for more than 20 years and was also its IT co-ordinator.

An unremarkable TV, but the remote control shown on the left is astounding! From the Daily Mirror, 15th March 1977
Looking equally good is this bizarre beast, which was on sale on 14 years ago. At a time when just about everyone was discovering the internet, this marvelous device allowed you to make phone calls, send texts, receive emails and 'surf the web' in one handy package.
Oh, and the SMS, email and net capacities came through a premium-rate phone line, costing you a fortune.

It�s normal life, what you might find in a small English town or village.�
But surprisingly for a man responsible for dropping bombs, he doesn�t think it�s that which has made the difference. On leaving this month, the historic squadron will disband, then reform in 2016 with a new aircraft, the Lightning II. You can tell that by the number of bazaars and markets and how busy the towns are,� he says.
Jim Roughton believes our forces have made a huge difference to Afghanistan in the 13-year conflict. Not only is this 617�s final mission in Afghanistan, it is also its last for some time.

According to the Xbox customer support website, users can customise their access to games, films and television content.
Currently, restrictions have to be put in place on each device with internet access.
Parents can also block access to the internet and change the online safety and privacy settings for their account. A new online safety bill due to be discussed by a government committee proposes that internet users be required to opt in and prove they are over 18 to view adult content.

�Jayden was born after an emergency caesarean section and weighed just 1lbs 9oz. I don�t ever want another woman to have to go through what I did.�
Christina�s brother raised the alarm through a 999 call to West Midlands Ambulance Service when she started bleeding heavily while staying at her dad�s on November 1. It felt like no-one cared about us.
�It was horrible,� she said. The 25-year-old - who is originally from Rhyl but was visiting her dad in the area when tragedy struck - has now called for a review of emergency hospital spaces for women in premature labour.

Flight Lt Al Spence, 29, a pilot from Inverness, says: �Guys might finish digging in a road and they have laid an IED. They are good to strike.
"It might be more courageous to track them on the ground. The Taliban also blackmail locals to plant improvised explosive devices (IEDs) for them, which sometimes calls for �courageous restraint� by the aircrews. But they could be people who have been paid or had their families taken or are under some kind of blackmail. If you lose them you lose everything associated with why they did it, and who their supply network is.� They have shown a hostile intent.

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