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Strack offers short course on AEM, October 24-27, 2018, Nelson, Wisconsin

The short course will be focused on the use of elementary analytic solutions and models created with the Analytic Element Method for solving groundwater flow problems. The approach to solving groundwater problems, regardless of their complexity, is greatly enhanced in terms of both insight and efficiency by carrying out preliminary computations. Such computations may consist of relatively simple solutions amenable to implementation, either in inter-active computer programs such as MATLAB, or in dedicated analytic element computer programs such as SLAEM or MLAEM.

Visit Strack Consulting for the details.

McLane Environmental offers new AEM tutorials & training

flexAEM System offers an easy introduction to groundwater modeling using analytic element software. The system consists of hands-on tutorials, courses, software tools, and “best practice” tips to introduce you to analytic element modeling at your own pace. flexAEM materials are designed to help experienced modelers add a fast and powerful new technique to their toolkit, or to help hydrogeologists and engineers make the calculations they need without the steep learning curve of complex modeling software.

Visit for more information.

AnAqSimEdu - new free educational version of AnAqSim (analytic aquifer simulator).

AnAqSimEdu was developed as a supplement to the 2nd edition of the textbook Groundwater Science, published by Elsevier. AnAqSimEdu simulates single-layer steady flow with confined, unconfined, and interface domains. Allows heterogeneity and anisotropy. Line boundaries include: head-specified, normal flux-specified, river, interdomain. Nice user interface. Available at this link:

Recent Publications in the AEM wikibib

Strack, Otto D.L., 2017. Analytical Groundwater Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781107148833, available October 2017.

Strack, Otto D.L., 2017. Vertically integrated flow in stratified aquifers, Journal of Hydrology, 548:794-800,