A Healthy Life Needs Substitute Methods

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Substitute lifestyles may help to shrink cost of living and increase quality of life at the same time. Part time little husbandry and part time home office along with your home . With a high percentage of self sustainability possible for all major needs in life, the remainder of the parts that need to be bought or obtained from outside are very limited and can be purchased or interchanged for quality goods or services made at home with your household

Living in mother nature needs a self nourishing system of life . There is no supermarket or mall to go shopping.
Most of true life 's need are created all on your own - missing items are traded against values you produce on your own. Life really is easy if all actively contribute and fit in with genuine work.

Different fellows member of your family may have different pastimes or skills that may be used to create top notch wares as additional revenue in freetime while finding pleasure to work . A listing of such mathematical product includes:

Carved wood piece of furniture or art
Home tailoring of custom made wearing apparel .
Mending of mechanical items from watch fixing to bike or mechanised vehicle fixing .
Repair services.
Boat fixture and watercraft construction.
Woodworker work for others.
Flower grove to supply blossoms for local happenings such as weddings , etc. Gatherings and programs related to live in mother earth , living on a countryside, natural gardening , graft, bee keeping, etc.
Healing get togethers .
Sanative activities.
Giving music lessons.
Surfboard production of custom made boards for surfboarding and windsurfing.
Publication and World Wide Web publication.
Online pedagogy.
Server controller and server management work.
Here is more information on Philippine islands nature. Guided mother earth walks to coach collecting and right use of rehabilitating herbs, production of blossom essences, production of massage oils, etc.
Nature and outdoor activities such as adventure camps, river rafting, nature observation, etc.
Nature photography training courses .
World Wide Web design and SEO classes .
Guest rooms for weekend or vacation on a farm.
Campground for visitors wishing to live in a tent while enjoying vacation on farm.

All these are but a few examples of best income sources available to farmers. The full potential only depends on your true life qualifications and expertise.

With Christ teachings of love and exact resolutions of love for all problems of lifespan , the "Spiritual Treasures" could possibly be your daily guidebook toward unity with supreme being on a way of life of love .

Look at all your soil and multiple type of land you've gotten . See if you have chances to build one of a kind luxury gadgets for visitors such as flowers or pot plants, small quality fruit trees or young plants, seeds.

Supply beauty and variety to your farm. Add attraction that pleases the heart and soul for visitors or quests. Add a beautiful water lily or white lily flower pond with heavenly aquatic life, blooms and fishes. Certain water lilies can be used as delicious vegetable, lotus roots too have great nutritional value in addition to the large lotus seeds or the lotus tea made of fresh lotus petals. Mother earth itself when cared with love is a treasure for herbal medicine and delicious and healthy food product and adventures all at once. Open for God and accept God's divine guidance for new ideas beyond your traditional farming mode .

The fact of the matter that a farmer lives in mother nature makes his farm a potential source of additional revenue chances without the need for any extra investing in money . All you need is a few decades of living experience, skills and expertise in one or several subjects for real life and or diversion.

The "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" is a big compendium on God and Passion With some 39988 files. "Spiritual Treasures" contain every one of the pedagogies of love to successfully care or re-arrange your life time in harmony with God and Love .