Acquire To Live In Nature

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Substitute moduses vivendi will help reduce cost of sustenance and increase well being at the same time. Part time little agriculture and part time home business office with the household . With a high percentage of self sustainability possible for all major needs in life, the rest of the parts that need to be bought or procured from outside are very limited and can be purchased or exchanged for quality goods or services made at home with your household

Living in nature uses a self nurturing technique of living. There is no supermarket or mall to go shopping.
Most of true life 's need will be created all on your own - missing items are traded in against values you make on your own. Life is simple if all actively add and participate in real work.

Different fellows member of your family may have different interests or skills that may be used to create great products as extra revenue in freetime while having fun to work . A list of such mathematical product includes:

Carved wood article of furniture or art
Home sewing of custom made dresses .
Fix of mechanical items from watch fixture to wheel or motorized vehicle reparation.
Fixing services.
If you are you looking for more information regarding Philippines nature. Boat repair and motorboats building .
Woodworker work for others.
Flower woodlet to provide blossoms for local happenings such as weddings , etc. Group meetings and workshops related to live in nature , living on a farm , whole horticulture, grafting , bee keeping, etc.
Healing meetings.
Healing activities.
Giving music lessons.
Surfboard production of custom made boards for surfriding and windsurfing.
Publication and web publication.
Online teaching .
Server controller and server management work.
Guided mother nature walks to educate aggregation and proper use of curing herbs, production of bloom essences, production of massage oils, etc.
Mother nature and outside actions such as adventure camps, river rafting, nature observation, etc.
Mother earth photography training courses .
WWW design and SEO workshops .
Guest rooms for weekend or vacation on a farm.
Campground for visitors wishing to live in a tent while enjoying vacation on farm.

All these are but a few types of best revenue sources available to farmers. The full potential only depends on your true life qualifications and expertise.

"Spiritual Treasures" are available as a gift of passion from our all heavenly father, published and released with God's blessings from 1997 till 2012 and originally published by the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love are available to all world as free instant download to bring God's passion into your lifetime .

Look at all your land and the many type of ground you have . See if you have opportunities to create unique luxury products for visitors such as blossoms or pot plants, small quality fruit trees or new plants, seeds.

Append beauty and variety to your farm. Add attraction that pleases the heart and soul for visitors or quests. Add a beautiful water lily or lotus flower pond with mind blowing water life, blooms and fishes. Certain water lilies can be used as delicious vegetable, lotus roots too have great nutritional value in addition to the large lotus seeds or the lotus tea made of fresh lotus petals. Nature itself when cared with passion is a treasure for herbal medicine and delightful and healthy food product and adventures all at once. Open for God and take God's inspiration for new ideas beyond your traditional farming way.

The fact of the matter that a farmer lives in mother nature makes his farm a potential source of additional revenue chances without the need for any extra investing in money . All you need is a few decades of life experience, skills and expertise in one or several themes for real world and or recreation .

The "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" is a large collection on God and Love With some 39988 files. "Spiritual Treasures" contain all of the pedagogies of love to successfully deal or re-arrange your incarnation in harmony with heavenly father and Passion.