How Do You Block Kids From Getting on Porn Sites?

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Studies have been showing a trend of more kids getting on porn sites. Such studies have shown that the word "porn" is ranked #6 in the list of top 100 search terms used by kids. This is ranked higher than terms you would normally associate with a kids search such as WebKinz at number 16 or Club Penguin ranked at number 22. Now consider that the positions 4, 28, 72, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, and 95 all relate to either sexual parts of the body or XXX which is a basic sex related search. Add then to the finding that 9 out of 10 kids have seen a online porn site innocently while doing homework. So the question from a parent is how do you block kids from getting on porn sites? Ultimately there is no simple answer to this question.

The most common answer to the previous question of how you block kids from getting on porn sites is through the use of Internet filters or other technology solutions. There are many software programs that can assist you in keeping porn sites off the kid's computer. The latest versions of this software is allowing greater control and making it easier for parents to decide what material or subjects can be blocked.

Some software will combine its filter settings to a specific user account of Windows and works very well if all users have a separate account to log into Windows with. There are also some solutions that use a program specific approach. Then also you have some customizable programs that use a combination of both program specific and Windows login rules.

Almost all parental control type software will use some kind of category based Internet site blocking. Some of the products will offer more categories which then will allow you greater customization for your particular needs. The majority will use an online or built in database to compare to Internet sites that have been reviewed based on two or three different categories. If the Internet site that is being accessed is not in the database, you then have an option of allowing continuation to the site or to block viewer from entering.

Now you can start to understand why we stated, that the solution for how to stop kids from getting on porn sites, does not consist of an easy answer. But there are many different software solutions that will make the task much less difficult and more personalized.