Girinskii potential conversion functions

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Convert between single layer freshwater/saltwater head and potential. From pages 49, 51, and 100 in Strack, 1989



Where <math>\alpha=\frac{\rho_s}{\rho}</math>, and <math>\rho_s</math> and <math>\rho</math> are the density of saltwater and freshwater, respectively. <math>H_{sea}</math> is the sea level elevation and <math>H</math> is the confined layer thickness.

James R. Craig
#include <math.h>
   Returns true if local layer condition is confined, false otehrwise
inline bool   IsConfined        (const double &potential, 
                                 const double &K, 
                                 const double &H){
  return (potential>=0.5*K*H*H);
#include <math.h>
   Converts freshwater potential to LOCAL head (head-base)
   alpha is the ratio of saltwater density to freshwater ~1.035 (1.0 for non-intrusion problems)
   Hsea is the sea level in local head (<=0.0 for non-intrusion problems)
inline double ConvertToHead     (const double &potential,
                                 const double &K, 
                                 const double &H,
                                 const double &Hsea,
                                 const double &alpha)
  if (K==0){return 0.0;}
  double Hs=max(Hsea,0.0);
  if        (potential>=0.5*K*H*H){                 //confined--------------------------
    if      (potential>=K*H*(alpha*Hs-0.5*H)){      //freshwater head        
      return (potential/(K*H)+ 0.5*H);
    else if (potential<=alpha*K*H*(Hs-0.5*H)){      //saltwater head
      return alpha*Hs-(alpha-1.0)*H;
    else {                                          //mixed head
      return sqrt(2.0*alpha*(potential-alpha*K*H*(Hs-0.5*H))/K*(1-alpha));
  else {                                            //unconfined-------------------------
    if (potential>0.5*K*alpha*alpha*Hs*Hs){         //freshwater head
      return sqrt(2.0*max(potential,0.0)/K);
    else if (potential<0.5*K*alpha*Hs*Hs){          //saltwater head
      return Hs;
    else{                                           //mixed head
      return sqrt(2.0*(alpha-1.0)*(max(potential,0.0)-0.5*K*alpha*Hs*Hs)/(K*alpha))+Hs;
#include <math.h>
   Converts from LOCAL freshwater head to potential
   alpha is the ratio of saltwater density to freshwater ~1.035 (1.0 for non-intrusion problems)
   Hsea is the sea level in local head (<=0.0 for non-intrusion problems)
inline double ConvertToPotential(const double &Head, 
                                 const double &K, 
                                 const double &H,
                                 const double &Hsea,
                                 const double &alpha)
 double Hs=max(Hsea,0.0);
 if (Head>H){                                    //confined--------------------------
   if (Head>=alpha*Hs){                          //freshwater Head
     return K*H*(Head-0.5*H);
   else{                                         //saltwater Head
     return 0.5*K*(1-alpha)/alpha*pow(Head+(alpha-1)*H-alpha*Hs,2)+alpha*K*H*(Hs-0.5*H); 
 else{                                           //unconfined-------------------------
   if (Head>=alpha*Hs){                          //freshwater Head
     return 0.5*K*Head*Head;
   else{                                         //saltwater Head
     return 0.5*K*(alpha/(alpha-1.0))*pow((Head-Hs),2)+0.5*K*alpha*Hs*Hs;